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Case Recording

Course Provider: The Crew DCC Interactive

Target Audience: Social Work Teams / Providers / Carers


Records, including notes, are an essential tool which social care professionals must be able to use effectively to meet their various legal and professional responsibilities.

This interactive course has been designed to give an understanding of how, when, and why to write timely and accurate records, as well as how they can be used to defend recollection under cross-examination in a courtroom environment.

This course has been designed to help ensure professionals are able to adopt a defendable practice to their notes and records, while also considering their own accountability and that of their organisation.


  • Describe what a timely care record is.
  • Describe what an accurate care record is.
  • Explain why timely care records should be kept.
  • Explain how timely care records should be kept.
  • Practice contemporaneous record keeping.
  • Use a contemporaneous record to create a report.
  • Defend your recollection by using a report and contemporaneous record under cross-examination.


  • 1 May 2025, 9am - 4.30pm
  • 23 September 2025, 9am - 4.30pm
  • 3 February 2026, 9am - 4.30pm

Online via TEAMS

There is no charge to attend these courses, however a cancellation charge may apply to non-attendance if sufficient notice is not given

Express an interest in this course here Expression of Interest Form for Training Courses


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