Dealing with emergencies - Floods

Contact us:
General Enquiries: 01597 827460 or 0345 6027030.
For Highways issues: 01597 827465 or 0345 6027035.
Outside these times (emergencies only) please contact us on 01597 827005 or 0345 0544847
Flooding alerts and advice
Sign up to get flooding alerts or get advice on preventing flooding
Report a Flood
Report a flood to a property, from a sewage or water main or a drain here
At times of high flood risk our Highways staff will try to deliver sandbags to properties at imminent risk. However, this will not always be possible due to demand or weather conditions.
Blue Pages
Blue Pages is a directory of property flood products and services put together to advise and inform you of what is available to help reduce the risk of flooding to your home or business.
National Flood Forum
A charity to help, support and represent people at risk of flooding
Discretionary Assistance Fund (DAF)
An Emergency Assistance Payment (EAP), is a grant to help with essential costs after an emergency, or if you have experienced a disaster such as a flood or fire in your home.
Pipe bursts
To report flooding from a sewer or water main please get in touch with the relevant utility company for your area.