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Notice: We will be carrying out maintenance on the Powys County Council website on Wednesday, 12 March

Call charges

0345 numbers

Calls from landlines are typically charged up to 16p per minute; calls from mobiles between 3p and 65p per minute depending on your call package.

01 and 02 numbers - geographic numbers

These numbers relate to specific locations in the UK and are used for homes and businesses. 

Calls from landlines are typically charged up to 16p per minute; calls from mobiles between 3p and 65p per minute depending on your call package. 

07 - mobile numbers

Calls to mobiles are charged between 10p and 20p per minute from landlines and are typically not included in free call packages. Calls from mobiles between 3p and 65p per minute depending on your call package. 

0845 numbers

The cost of calling 0845 numbers is made up of two parts:

The access charge going to your phone company, and a service charge set by the organisation you are calling. Powys County Council does not charge extra for calls made to any of our numbers. 

You can find out the access charge for this number - which is the rest of the call cost - from your phone company.


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