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Notice: Welsh Language Standards Annual Report

Advocacy support for children, young people and families

Advocacy Support

TGP Cymru

TGP Cymru is an Independent Professional Advocacy service in Mid and West Wales.

What we do

TGP Cymru Advocacy Service is a free service for children and young people who are aged between 0 - 25 years and are

  • a looked after child,
  • a child who is not being looked after but may have needs for care and support;
  • a child in respect of which a Special Guardianship Order is in force
  • an adopted child or a child who may be adopted
  • a Care Leaver.

What is advocacy?

Advocacy is:

  • listening to you and your point of view
  • informing you of your rights
  • helping you to speak out and get your voice heard
  • helping you sort things out with workers/carers
  • giving you support and helping you to speak up at meetings
  • empowering you to advocate for yourself.

How can we help?

We can:

  • Help you make a complaint
  • Help you speak out about what you want
  • Help you speak out, with others, about what's good or what needs to be changed for children and young people in care.

Phone - 01545 571865


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