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Notice: We will be carrying out maintenance on the Powys County Council website on Wednesday, 12 March

Additional Learning Needs in the Early Years

Image of a child with Lego

Early Years Additional Learning Needs Lead Officer (EYALNLO)

The Early Years Additional Learning Needs Lead Officer has a responsibility to co-ordinate additional learning needs support services across Powys for children aged 0 - 5, including providing support, guidance and information to non-maintained nursery education settings, childcare settings, schools, other agencies, including parents/carers of children with additional learning needs aged 0 - 5.

Yvonne Hockly is the EYALNLO

The best way to contact Yvonne is by email :

You can also telephone on 07825552262 / 01597 826676 and leave a message.

Useful Links

These links will take you to the website of external agencies. We will try to keep the links up-to-date we cannot guarantee the accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the website or the information contained on the website.

Useful Documents

Individual Play Plans

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