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Notice: We will be carrying out maintenance on the Powys County Council website on Wednesday, 12 March

Affordable Housing Schemes

Proposals for or involving affordable housing need to include detailed information on how the affordable housing will be provided and how it will be ensured that the housing remains available and affordable to those in local need. This information will need to be set out in an Affordable Housing Scheme.

An Affordable Housing Scheme is normally required as part of a planning condition attached to a planning permission. There may also be circumstances where an Affordable Housing Scheme needs to be submitted with a planning application, such as with an application for full planning permission.


In order to assist applicants and agents with drafting an Affordable Housing Scheme, a set of templates has been prepared.

These templates are intended for use by Registered Social Landlords (Housing Associations), the Council's Strategic Housing Authority, private developers and private individuals (such as those planning an affordable self-build).

Please use the relevant template below to suit your circumstances and fill in the details of your scheme. The completed template can then be submitted with your application to discharge condition or full planning application.

Further guidance on Affordable Housing Schemes can be found in Section 8 of the Council's Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Guidance - LDP Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG)

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