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Notice: We will be carrying out maintenance on the Powys County Council website on Wednesday, 12 March

Text Relay service

The service provides a relay assistant who types and talks, as needed, to help a deaf or speech impaired person and a hearing person communicate.

How to use our Text Relay service

If you are D/deaf, hearing impaired or have a speech impediment, dial: 0870 240 9598.

  1. Call 0870 240 9598 from your phone.
  2. Within the app (Relay UK), 'Join' the call when prompted and you will see the message "Relay UK Please type the number you want to call GA."
  3. Enter the number of the person you want to call using the app's numeric keypad. At this point you are not connected to a relay assistant, so make sure you type rather than speak.
  4. You will then see "Relay UK Waiting for a free relay assistant" and shortly after, "Connected to Text Relay please wait."
  5. The relay assistant will then ask you the name of the person you want to call and try to connect you.

If you are using a textphone, the steps you need to take are similar, but you will be entering information onto the textphone screen instead.

Note: Relay UK costs an extra 1p per minute to use, in addition to standard call charges, and can connect with us using the app or a textphone.









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