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Transforming Education Privacy Notice

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The Transforming Education Team of Powys County Council undertakes a wide variety of functions, and in doing so will gather personal data. We are committed to protecting the rights of individuals in line with the current Data Protection Legislation.

Why we collect your data

Powys County Council as a data controller collects your personal data in order to hold statutory consultations on school organisation proposals. We will only collect the personal data from you we need in order to carry out the statutory consultation process and process your data in a fair and lawful way.

Sensitive personal data

As part of the consultation process, Powys County Council may collect personal data, including sensitive personal data about you and your family.

What is lawful basis for processing the data

Legal Obligation - The basis for gathering and processing your data is our legal obligation under the following legislation:

  • Section 48, 49 and Schedule 3 of the School Standards and Organisation (Wales) Act 2013
  • School Organisation Code issued by the Welsh Ministers pursuant to Section 38 of the School Standards and Organisation (Wales) Act 2013
  • The Federation of Maintained Schools (Wales) Regulations 2014 as amended

Public Interest - It is necessary for us to gather and share some personal information in order to exercise the Council's authority to carry out tasks in the public interest such as ensuring equal opportunity and treatment and ensuring and reporting on the provision of education.

Consent - Your consent is given when you participate in a function carried out by the Transforming Education Team. Consent can be withdrawn at any time by notifying us. 

When will we share your data

The council will use your personal data for the purposes it was provided for.

This may involve sharing personal data internally within Powys County Council, which could include sharing with other departments who are supporting the consultation process, or sharing with Cabinet members to inform decision-making. Personal information will be redacted where appropriate.

Personal information you provide in consultation responses will be used to prepare a consultation report outlining all issues raised during the consultation period, which will be published on the Council's website. Where responses include sensitive personal data, the issue raised will be summarised to avoid release of identifiable information.

Your personal information will not be shared externally, unless requested by the Welsh Ministers pursuant to Section 50 of the School Standards and Organisation (Wales) Act 2013.

We will not: 

  • Use your information for marketing or sales purposes without your prior explicit consent.
  • Send or store your data abroad
  • Make decisions about you based on automated processing

Data processors

Data processors are third parties who provide elements of our services for us, such as IT systems and suppliers who handle or collect personal data on behalf of the Council.

We have contracts in place with our data processors and a data processing agreement. This means that they cannot do anything with your personal information unless we have instructed them to do so.

How we keep your data safe

We will take appropriate steps to make sure that the personal information we hold, in paper format or electronically, is kept securely and only used by people who are authorised to do so.

The Council's security measures include encrypting personal data and equipment, system access controls and training in data protection to all staff.

Where another company or organisation processes personal information on behalf of the Council, they will only process your personal information in line with the Council's instructions and are obliged to provide security assurances to the Council.

How long will we keep your data

We will only keep your information for the minimum period necessary. The information outlined in this privacy notice will be kept for the period outlined in the Council's guidelines. All information will be held securely and destroyed confidentially at the end of the retention period.

Your rights

  • Data Inaccuracies- You have the right to request that any inaccuracies in your personal data be corrected. Please notify us in writing, what you believe is incorrect and what it should be replaced with. Write to Transforming Education Team, School Service, County Hall, Spa Road East, Llandrindod Wells, Powys, LD1 5LG.   
  • Withdraw consent - If the processing of data is based on consent you can request the consent be withdrawn. Write to Transforming Education Team, School Service, County Hall, Spa Road East, Llandrindod Wells, Powys, LD1 5LG.
  • Access to personal data -You may request access to personal data we hold about you. Subject access requests should be made in writing to the Data Protection Officer.

How to make a complaint

If you are unhappy with the way in which your personal data has been processed you may in the first instance contact the Powys Data Protection Officer by writing to:

Data Protection Officer,
Powys County Hall,
Spa Road East,
Llandrindod Wells,
LD1  5LG


Telephone: 01597 826000

If you remain dissatisfied, then you have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:

Information Commissioner's Office,
Wycliffe House,
Water Lane,


Data Protection Officer

Below are the contact details of the Data Protection Officer:
Data Protection Officer, Powys County Hall, Spa Road East, Llandrindod Wells,
Powys, LD1  5LG.
Email: foi@powys,gov,uk


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