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Notice: Full details of the new Household Recycling Centre booking system and charges for DIY waste are available on the council website.

Help to put the bins out

If you live alone and have a disability, you may be eligible for help to put out your bins. This is called an assisted collection. 

Who is eligible?

  • We can only help if there is no-one living with you who can put out your bins and recycling boxes out for collection.
  • You will not be eligible if you live at the end of a long lane or private drive or have your bins collected from a communal collection point.

If you are worried that you may find it difficult, but do not qualify for help, small trolleys can be purchased from various outlets or stores.

Before you apply

If you have a Blue Badge, be ready to enter the badge number and the address of the authority who issued it. If you don't have a blue badge, you can still request an assisted collection.

What happens next?

We will check the details on your request form and we will visit your property to check the access to your bins. You do not need to be present for this check. Following this, we will email or text to let you know whether your request has been approved.

The service is monitored and we may contact you by phone or email to confirm that the service is still required and that you are still eligible. Please inform us of any change to your circumstances that may affect your eligibility.

Request an Assisted Collection Request an Assisted Collection



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