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Child Exploitation support for children, young people and families

Child Exploitation

Powys Child Exploitation Team

For advice and guidance around Child Criminal and Sexual Exploitation.

Email -

This email address is for advice and guidance only. Any safeguarding concerns should be reported to 01597 827666 or 999 if an emergency.

Exploitation of Children Strategy 2020 - 2023

This Powys multi-agency Child Exploitation Strategy sets out our priorities and commitment to prevent and tackle child exploitation.

This form of abuse can have a serious impact on children and young people, their families and communities. We will work together with children and young people, families, communities and partner agencies to support children to develop and thrive throughout their childhood and into adulthood.

This strategy is underpinned by principles which are child centred, trauma informed and grounded in children's rights.

Any child can be a victim of exploitation and no child is ever responsible for the abuse. This Child Exploitation Strategy considers a range of responses relating to prevention, protection and support.

Safeguarding is everyone's business.

Child Exploitation Strategy (PDF, 1 MB)

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