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Notice: Full details of the new Household Recycling Centre booking system and charges for DIY waste are available on the council website.

Direct Payments

direct payments

"Direct Payments put you in control so you can live independently"

Direct Payments enable you to arrange care or support services yourself instead of receiving a package of care or support arranged by the Local Authority.  You need to have had a social services assessment and be eligible for social care services in order to receive Direct Payments.

Image of an assessment

Direct Payments means that you can have more control over the support you need, be able to make important choices about your care and have far greater flexibility over your support than care arranged by the council. The payments however, must be used to meet the needs for which social services have agreed you should have help.

To be eligible for Direct Payments we need to be satisfied that your needs can be met in this way and that you are able to manage the Direct Payments, either alone or with available help and support.

In order for you to get a Direct Payment you need an assessment of your care needs. If you have a social worker or care manager, then please contact them. If not, please click on the 'Make an Application' link below or contact Cymorth/Assist on 0345 602 7050 or

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