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Machynlleth Library survey

Residents in Machynlleth and the Dyfi Valley are being urged to give their views on the possibility of relocating Machynlleth Library once the town's brand-new school has been built

Powys Library Service is asking residents to 'Dip into Reading' and reap the wellbeing benefits this winter

Powys Library Service is teaming up with national charity The Reading Agency to promote the link between regular reading and improved health outcomes this winter.

Free emergency first aid course for Powys motorcyclists

Biker Down! Cymru is a free emergency first aid course for motorcyclists wishing to enhance their knowledge and broaden their experience in dealing with incidents or collisions that may require first aid at the roadside.

Make recycling your new New Year's resolution

Healthy eating, keeping fit, reading more books... whatever you are tackling this January, we are asking you to also add 'recycling' to your list of New Year's resolutions.

Police and Crime Panel supports proposed 2023/24 precept

Members of the Dyfed Powys Police and Crime Panel have supported the Commissioner's proposed precept increase of 7.75%.

Powys Public Service Board Well-being Plan Consultation Launched

A consultation on the new Powys Well-being Plan is launched today (Friday 27 January) and runs until midnight on 19 April.

Advancement of the Mid Wales Growth Deal Sites and Premises Programme

Following an initial piece of work that identified a need to develop additional employment sites across the region, further work has been completed to scope a proposed Growth Deal Sites and Premises Programme

Design work underway to develop active travel routes in Welshpool

Following Welsh Governments' approval of the county's Active Travel Network Maps (ATNM), work has started to develop designs for improving active travel provision on Severn Street, in Welshpool.

Ysgol Bro Hyddgen

A revised business case to construct a replacement building for a north Powys all-through school has been approved by the Welsh Government, the county council has announced

Below inflation council rent increase approved

Building new council homes while continuing to maintain the existing housing stock will be supported by a below-inflation rent increase, the county council has said

Council issues warning over energy efficiency installer

An energy efficiency installer advertising grants for air source heat pumps and solar panels on Facebook are using Powys County Council's logo without permission, the county's residents are being warned

AI is being used to speed up the payment of cost-of-living grants

Developers working for Powys County Council are using artificial intelligence (AI) to make sure those needing cost-of-living help receive it as quickly as possible.