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Notice: Full details of the new Household Recycling Centre booking system and charges for DIY waste are available on the council website.


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Leisure Services Review

Leisure and recreation services in Powys need a rethink over the coming years to safeguard provision for future generations, Powys County Council has said.

£1m project improving flood defences for 100 homes

More than 100 Powys homes will be better protected against water damage by the end of this year, thanks to a £1 million Flood Resilience scheme.

Former school being demolished ready for new council homes to be built

Exciting plans to build new council homes in north Powys have reached an important milestone as works to demolish a former school begin, the county council has said

The Right Help at the Right Time

Providing the right help at the right time, is the theme of a wide-ranging programme taking place across Mid and West Wales for National Safeguarding Week, commencing 11th November 2024

New bridge will help boost fish numbers and reduce flood risk

The installation of a replacement bridge over the River Senni in Powys is set to boost fish numbers, reduce flood risk and improve road access for local communities.

Car Park Review to be reconsidered

Powys County Council's cabinet members have agreed to reconsider the findings from the cross-party review group tasked with reviewing the county's car parking arrangements.

Cabinet to consider new ALN and Inclusion strategic plan

An exciting plan aimed at enhancing the inclusive and equitable education system to better support the needs of all Powys learners, including those with additional learning needs, will be considered by Cabinet this month

Planning permission for new school building granted

Exciting plans to build a new replacement building for an all-through school in Machynlleth have reached an important milestone after planning permission was granted, Powys County Council has announced

5 school and community centre sites helped to cut energy bills by £42k

Solar panels, batteries, LED lighting and loft insulation have been fitted at five Powys schools, with community centres attached, in a bid to make them more sustainable

Collaboration trials groundbreaking scheme to manage poultry sector ammonia emissions

The River Severn Partnership Advanced Wireless Innovation Region (RSPAWIR) is leading a pioneering collaboration aimed at reducing ammonia emissions in the poultry sector

Opportunities on South West and Mid Wales Civil Engineering Services Framework

Interested parties are being invited to tender for a new South West and Mid Wales Regional Civil Engineering Services Framework.

Residents urged to check cosmetics for banned chemical

Residents in Powys are being urged by the county council to check their cosmetics for the banned ingredient Lilial and dispose of any products containing it

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