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Notice: We will be carrying out maintenance on the Powys County Council website on Wednesday, 12 March

Pay Business Rates

The Valuation Office Website has all the information you need on the valuation of business properties. It also has a search facility so you can check the current rateable value of your property.


Direct Debit

Set up or amend an existing direct debit online in 4 easy steps:

  1. Register / Login to your Powys 'My Account'
  2. Add details to your Account Profile (name, address, email and Business Rates reference number(s))
  3. Click on My Account to see a Business Rates summary and click the button to 'View Full Account'.
  4. Under the payment heading, select Set up/amend Direct Debit


Debit/credit card

Pay by card using our online service 

Remember to have your Business Rates Account Reference number on hand when paying online.


You can pay by debit/credit card via our automated 24 hr payment line: 03300 889 578.

Remember to have your Business Rates Account Reference number on hand when making the payment.



At any Post Office

Pay at any Post Office in the UK or by PayPoint or ePay.

Please use the payment barcode on the front of your bill.

Please make cheques payable to Post Office Ltd.



By Post

Please make Cheques or Postal Orders payable to Powys County Council.

Write your Business Rates Account Reference on the back of your cheque or postal order.

Send your payment to PO Box 71, Llandrindod Wells, LD1 9AQ.

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