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Notice: Full details of the new Household Recycling Centre booking system and charges for DIY waste are available on the council website.

Commercial Vehicle or Trailer (CVT) Permit: Policy

Image of a white van

1. Introduction

1.1 Householders with commercial vehicles OR trailers will require a CVT permit in order to access the Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) in Powys.  Only one commercial vehicle OR trailer can be registered per household for a permit.  A commercial vehicle will not be allowed access to any site if towing a trailer.

1.2 The CVT Permit scheme is designed to provide householders with commercial type vehicles or trailers access to the sites.  This will allow the Council to tackle the illegal disposal of business waste which would otherwise cost the council and ultimately the tax payer. The CVT Permit will also provide the Council with some control over the quantity of waste that is delivered to these sites.

1.3 Please refer to section 3 of this policy before making an application to ensure that you are eligible for a permit. Permits are NOT available for trailers if they are to be towed by a commercial type vehicle (listed in section 3.2).

2. The Commercial Vehicle or Trailer (CVT) Permit

2.1 CVT Permits are available FREE of charge to residents of Powys wishing to take their own household waste to a HWRC.

2.2 Residents are able to apply for a CVT Permit.  This will allow them to deposit their own household recycling and/or waste at any of the Councils five HWRCs in vehicles or trailers that are considered as commercial under this policy. (see Section 3.2 below). 

2.3 Vehicles requiring a CVT permit must be registered to the resident making the application and to their domestic address in Powys. 

2.4 Applications from 'second homeowners' with vehicles registered to a domestic address outside of Powys will only be accepted if proof is provided that full Council tax is being paid on that property, to Powys County Council.  

2.5 Applications for company/works vehicles will be accepted if the vehicle is registered to a business address outside the County.  However the applicant must be a resident of Powys. 

2.6 Residents will be required to provide copies of their proof of address and their V5 document (showing the full vehicle details and ownership) with their application form, as proof that the vehicle is not owned for commercial purposes.  

2.7 Access to the HWRCs in commercial vehicles or trailers will not be permitted unless residents have the necessary CVT Permit from the Council, access will not be granted on applications only. 

2.8 Applications are to be made per household and can include one commercial vehicle or trailer per domestic address.  

2.9 Residents will be provided with one CVT permit allowing a maximum twelve visits to a HWRC per household per annum. 

2.10 Residents can only apply for one CVT Permit (12 visits) per 12-month period, additional permits can only be requested once the twelve visits have been used. 

2.11 CVT Permits are registration specific, only the registration stated on the permit will be allowed access to the HWRCs.  Only one CVT permit can be issued per vehicle.

2.12 Applications for permits for trailers will need to be accompanied by the V5 for the authorised vehicle (see Section 3.1) that will be towing the trailer.

2.13 CVT Permits must be presented to site staff every time a commercial vehicle or trailer is used to visit a HWRC. If a resident visits the site more than once in one day, each visit will be counted separately. 

2.14 Permits are not site specific and do not have an expiry date. 

2.15 The CVT Permit will not allow commercial waste to be brought into the HWRCs. If site attendants suspect that waste is of commercial origin they are within their rights to prevent the site user from depositing that material. Site staff will pass details of the CVT Permit holder to the Council's Awareness and Enforcement team for further investigation.  

2.16 Should vehicle details change then any paper CVT Permits must be returned to the Council before replacements will be provided. Replacement permits will be issued on a like for like number basis. For example, if a request is made to change a registration number where seven visits have been made then the replacement permit will consist of five uses.

2.17 If a householder sells a vehicle the Permit must not be passed to the new owner. The new owner will need to make their own application. 

3. What vehicles will/will not require a CVT Permits?

3.1 Permits will not be required for the following authorised vehicles:



People carriers, up to a maximum of nine seats (subject to section 3.3)

Caravanettes and Camper vans, where *fully converted (subject to section 3.3) 

Trailers up to 1.4m in length and towed by any of the above

*In accordance with the Department for Transport, Campervans are considered fully converted where they have seats and tables, sleeping accommodation (may be converted from seats), cooking and storage facilities.  

The above equipment shall be rigidly fixed to the living compartment; however, the table may be designed to be easily removable.  

3.2 Permits will be required for the following (subject to section 3.3): 

Sign written cars (except for courtesy cars and taxis)

All hire and company vehicles

Trailers over 1.4 m in length and up to 2.44 m (the length of the trailer refers to the useable space of the bed of the trailer, excluding the hitch). Permits and therefore access to HWRCs is only granted for trailers towed by vehicles listed in section 3.1. Trailers cannot be towed by vehicles listed in section 3.2.

All vans (being any vehicle with one or more panels in the side or rear) 

All picks ups

All Land Rover Defenders (including all early 'Series' Land Rovers)

3.3 The vehicles listed below are not eligible to use the HWRCs (with or without a Permit): 

Any vehicle exceeding 3.5 tonnes legal gross weight

Any vehicle exceeding 6m in overall length 

Trailers over 2.44m in length (The length of the trailer refers to the useable space of the bed of the trailer, excluding the hitch.)

Flat bed, 'dropside' and tipper vehicles 

Luton box vans 

Agricultural vehicles to include tractors, horseboxes and stock trailers 

4. Hire vehicles

4.1 Vans hired by a householder to deposit their own household waste, may apply for a Permit.

4.2 The householder will be required to provide a copy of the vehicle hire agreement with their application as well as proof of address.

4.3 All vehicle restrictions listed under Section 3 apply i.e. if the vehicle does not meet the vehicle sizing/type requirements it will not be allowed access into the HWRC.

4.4 Permits for hire vehicles will be issued on the basis of a maximum of three uses per domestic address, per annum. The three uses can be split between one, two or three separate hire arrangements but will not total more than three uses in any twelve-month period.  

5. Company/works vehicle 

5.1 Residents in Powys may use their employer's commercial vehicle (subject to the vehicle complying with Section 3 above) to deposit their own household waste at HWRCs in the County.

5.2 The application will need to include a copy of the ownership details, proof of address as well as written permission detailing the vehicle from the employer (on company headed paper).

5.3 CVT Permits for company/works vehicles will not be provided in addition to any other CVT Permit registered to that domestic address.  

5.4 Company/works vehicles will be issued on the basis of a maximum of three uses per domestic address per annum. The three uses can be split between one, two or three separate vehicles but will not total more than three uses in any twelve-month period. 

6. Adapted vehicles

6.1 Vehicles that have been adapted for the specific needs of a resident and fall under Section 3.3 of this policy will be considered by the Council for a CVT permit on an individual basis. Applicants may be required to provide proof of adaptations and/or the detail of their circumstances as well as the information listed in Section 7.3 to the Council.

7. The application process

7.1 The application process will be available to residents from 1st September 2017.

7.2 CVT Permit requests can be completed via:

An online form on the Council website which will require a scanned copy of the documents listed in Section 2, 4 and 5 above to be attached to the application 

Contacting the Councils' customer contact centre on 0345 602 7035

7.3 Residents will be required to provide the following information as part of the application process:

Full name and address

Telephone number

Email address

Vehicle registration number

Vehicle make and model

Details of wording if the vehicle is sign written

A copy of proof of address, copy of the V5, hire agreement and/or letter from the employer as necessary

8. Household Waste Recycling Centres - Household Waste Declaration Forms

8.1 CVT Permits provide residents with commercial vehicles or trailers permission to enter the HWRCs, they are not Permits to allow the deposit of any type of waste. Any material (types & quantities) brought into sites will be subject to Powys County Councils HWRC Contract.  

8.2 The Household Waste Declaration Forms are in use at the HWRCs in Powys. Where site staff suspect that a resident may be delivering commercial waste to a HWRC they will ask the individual to complete a Household Waste Declaration Form.  This is to verify that the waste is from their own household. Copies of these forms will be forwarded to the Council for monitoring purposes and further investigation as required.

9. Administration of the CVT Permit scheme

9.1 The CVT Permit scheme will be administered by the Council.

9.2 All CVT Permit applications will be recorded and information monitored by the Council.

9.3 All Household Waste Declaration Forms will be retained, and the information recorded and monitored by the Council.

9.4 If a resident loses their CVT Permits the Council will provide replacements on a like for like number basis.

9.5 If a resident changes their address then they must inform the Council so that their details can be updated on the system.  A replacement Permit will not be issued for a change of address.

9.6 If a resident changes their vehicle and no longer requires CVT Permit they must inform the Council and return any unused paper Permits. A CVT Permits must not be passed to the new vehicle owner.

9.7 If a resident changes their vehicle they must inform the Council and apply for a new CVT Permit. Their details will be updated and a new CVT Permit issued on a like for like number basis. 

9.8 All uses of CVT permits will be recorded by the Council to ensure that they are used legitimately. An additional permit will only be issued after a resident has used twelve visits. An application for a new permit can only be made once in any twelve-month period.    

9.9 The staff at the Councils HWRCs have the right to prevent access to any resident with a permit who they suspect is contravening any part of the CVT Permit policy. 


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