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Notice: The Council Tax and Awards (benefits) phone lines will be closed on Friday 14 March due to a system update.

Business Rates: Rating Multiplier

We calculate a property's rate bill by multiplying its rateable value by a set amount. This amount is called the 'rating multiplier'.

The multiplier is set by the National Assembly for Wales every year. It cannot rise by more than the rate of inflation (except in a revaluation year).

The multiplier for each financial year is shown below (pence in the pound): 

  • 2025-2026        56.8p
  • 2024-2025        56.2p
  • 2023-2024        53.5p
  • 2022-2023        53.5p
  • 2021-2022        53.5p
  • 2020-2021        53.5p
  • 2019-2020        52.6p
  • 2018-2019        51.4p

For exampleIf the rateable value of your business is £15,000, you would use the 2025-26 multiplier (56.8p) to estimate your business rates as follows: £15,000 (rateable value) x £0.568p (multiplier) = £8,520. This is the gross liability, before any reliefs are applied.


  • Phone: 01597 827463 (office opening hours 9am - 1pm Mon - Fri)

    The council tax/ business rates & awards service will only be taking calls between the hours of 9am till 1pm. We aim to have a full complement of staff during these hours to help improve call response times.
  • Email: 
  • Write to us at: Powys County Hall, Spa Road East, Llandrindod Wells, Powys, LD1 5LG

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