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Council Tax: Datasets

Some information released through a Freedom of Information or Environmental Regulations request may be of general public interest.  In these cases, we'll make this information available in datasets here.

For more information about your Council Tax please see our 'Explain my Council Tax Bill' Booklet on our Council Tax Explanation & Charges by Area page.

Council Tax Collection

Council tax is the main source of locally-raised income for local authorities. Council tax collection data analyses the amount of council tax that Welsh local authorities collected in each financial year.

View more information on Council Tax Collection on the StatsWales website

Council Tax Recovery

This dataset details, by financial year, the recovery action taken in order to collect Council Tax due to the Council.  Council Tax Recovery Data (ZIP, 10 KB)

Council Tax Levels

Council tax is  calculated based on the council tax band assigned to each dwelling. Properties in each Welsh local authority are assigned to one of nine valuation bands: A to I.

View more information on Council Tax Levels on the StatsWales website

Council Tax Dwellings 

Council tax dwellings data provides details of the number of dwellings liable for council tax in Welsh local authorities for the financial year. The data also shows details of council tax discounts and exemptions.

View more information on Council Tax dwellings data on the StatsWales website

Council Tax Precepts

This dataset provides the amount of precept set by Town and Community Councils for collection by way of the annual Council Tax charge.

Town and Community Council Precept Set (ZIP, 25 KB)

Accounts With Credits Written-On

This list includes Council Tax accounts that have a credit balance (+£20) that have been written-on. The data includes the credit amount written-on and the financial year it relates to. If you think you are entitled to an amount in this list you will need to complete a refund application form.

Credit balances written-on list June 2024 (ZIP, 12 KB)

*This data is updated every June.

Council Tax Premiums

Further information regarding premiums and the exceptions to premiums can be found here : Council Tax Premiums

Details on number of properties subject to a premium charge and the amount of Council Tax raised through premiums can be found here :  Council Tax Premium dataset (ZIP, 19 KB) The Council Tax premium income funds an empty property officer, two Council Tax officers and a general contribution to the Mid-term financial plan.

This dataset will be updated annually in April.

Transfer of Properties Between Rating lists

The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) will determine whether a property is to be contained within the Council Tax list or the Business Rates list for the purpose of being liable to pay either Council Tax or Business Rates. With regards to Self-catering units the VOA applies specific criteria, which may result in properties switching between the two rating lists.

The number of properties that move between the two rating lists can be found here:  Transfer of Properties between Rating Lists (ZIP, 11 KB)

The criteria used by the VOA to determine which rating list a property is within can be found at: Business Rates: Self-Catering Accommodation - Powys County Council

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