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Notice: Welsh Language Standards Annual Report

Powys County Council Welsh Language Strategies

PCC Welsh language strategies

Welsh Medium Education Strategy

The council's new Welsh-medium Education Strategy supports our aim to improve access to Welsh-medium provision across all key stages of education in Powys. The strategy will also help to meet the Welsh Government's Cymraeg 2050 strategy to achieve one million Welsh speakers by the year 2050.

Welsh in Education Strategic Plan (WESP) 2022-2032

The council is required by the Welsh Government to prepare a Welsh in Education Strategic Plan (WESP). The Plan, which has been approved by the Welsh Government, sets out how the council will develop Welsh-medium education to increase the number of pupils accessing Welsh-medium education over the next 10 years.

Download the  Welsh in Education Strategy 2022-2032 (PDF) [691KB] for more information.