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Social Services Compliments, Comments and Complaints Process

If you have a concern, want to tell us when we have done something well, or just make a comment about our service, then please use our online form to tell us. We usually respond within 2 to 5 working days.

Making a comment or compliment is easy using our online form. If you wish to make a complaint, please read the information below.

Who can make a complaint?

Anyone who has received or was entitled to receive a service provided by social services, or a service commissioned by social services.

You may make a complaint on behalf of someone else, where that person:

  • Is a child, however children and young people can and are encouraged to contact us directly.
  • Has requested you to act on their behalf, this usually needs to be in writing.
  • Lacks capacity,
  • Has died.

However, we will need to decide if you are appropriate and have sufficient interest in the welfare of the individual to act on their behalf.

If you are not eligible to make a complaint, we would still like to hear from you by making a comment on our service.

You have the right to an advocate (someone who will help you give your point of view). We can tell you where to find one and if you need support to get an advocate, we will help you.

A complaint should usually be made within 12 months from the date that the concern arose. The first step in sorting out a concern is to contact the Complaints Officer.

Stage 1

When you make a complaint, we will usually acknowledge your complaint within 2 working days.

In an attempt to resolve matters, we will offer to discuss your complaint with you.  The discussion will usually take place within 10 working days of the date of acknowledgement.

  • We may agree to do what you ask.
  • We may have to apologise to you for having made mistakes.
  • We may have to explain things better.

The person looking into your complaint might need to read your file and ask questions before deciding on what should be done. By making a complaint you are agreeing for the Complaints Officer and investigator to access the information to deal with your complaint.

Following the discussion, we will usually write to you within 5 working days with a resolution.

Stage 2

If you are not satisfied with the way your complaint was resolved during Stage 1, you can ask for your complaint to be investigated by someone independent of the Council.

What if I am not sure who to complain to?

Social services work closely with lots of organisations. You may have a complaint about a service we have arranged for you, such as a residential care home, a home care agency, or a day service. Complaints must usually have been investigated by the provider before we can get involved. If you are unsure how to make a complaint, or not satisfied with their response, please contact the Complaints Officer.

If your complaint is about something we have provided jointly with another organisation, such as the health board, we will look at your complaint together and usually send you one response. We will need your permission to share information when we work jointly with another organisation.

Could I complain to anyone else if I am still not satisfied?

The Public Services Ombudsman for Wales has legal powers to look into complaints about public services and independent care providers in Wales. The Ombudsman will usually only look at complaints after we have had an opportunity to look at them.



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