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School Bus passes - questions and answers

Q. I've forgotten my bus pass, what do I do?

Don't worry, if you do not have your bus pass with you, you can give the driver your bus pass code instead. If you cannot remember your code, the driver will allow you to travel to school, but you must go straight to the school office to confirm which bus you travelled on and get your code for you to use on your journey home.


Q. What happens if I lose my bus pass?

You will need to contact the transport team to get a replacement pass. Each replacement card will cost £5, and you will need to pay over the phone, so try and look after it. Your original pass will be cancelled so if you find it, then please throw it away.


Q. Can someone else use my bus pass or my manual code?

The QR code and the manual code on your bus pass is unique to you. Please do not share these with anyone else. If your bus pass or code is being used by someone else you will be asked to contact the transport team, who will cancel your original bus pass and issue you with a replacement, which will have a new QR code and new manual code. The replacement card will cost £5, and you will need to pay over the phone.


Q. Can I travel on any bus?

No, you must only travel on the bus routes/services allocated to you. These are shown on your pass.


Q. Sometimes I get the bus from Mum's house and other times I travel from Dad's house. Will my bus pass still work?

If you already have a pass to travel on different buses to go to two different homes, then your new pass will allow you to do the same. The routes/services you are allowed to use are shown on your pass.

However, if you only have a pass to go to one location, your parent/s need to apply for a place on a different route/service using the transport application form online.  You can only travel to another location if there is parental responsibility, and their address is within the catchment/mileage area of the school you attend.


Q. Can a friend travel home on the bus with me?

No, sorry. We cannot allow students without a valid bus pass to travel on the buses. If you would like to travel home with one of your friends, you will have to arrange for your parents to pick you and your friend up from school or make other arrangements for your friends.


Q. My child attends ALN provision, will they have a pass?

If they attend mainstream school and use Powys home to school transport, then yes, they will have a pass. If they are using dedicated ALN transport, there is currently no requirement for a pass and they will not be issued with one.


Q. How do I contact the transport team?

Send us an email or give us a call:

Sarah Leyland-Morgan - 01597 826615

Milly Taylor - 01597 826310

Sue Avery - 01597 826509

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