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Powys school bus passes

To coincide with the new academic year (2021/22), all Powys learners using the home to school transport service will be issued with a new bus pass.

The new bus passes will have a unique QR code which will be scanned by the driver each time a learner uses the home to school transport. The QR code does not contain any personal information about pupils, it is purely to track who, and how many people, are on which buses or other modes of home to school transport, at any one time.

By scanning the bus pass every time we can easily see which learners are on each bus to help us comply with COVID-19 regulations and Track, Trace and Protect purposes.

This ensures that we can keep all learners and members of staff safe in the event of an emergency or any further outbreaks of coronavirus in the future.

The introduction of the new Powys bus passes does not mean that there will be a change in the home to school transport service currently being provided.

Your new school bus pass:
Image of a sample Powys school bus pass

  • Your new bus pass shows your name, a QR code, a manual code, your month and year of birth and the bus services you are allowed to use on the way to and from school
  • Only travel on the bus services shown on your pass
  • Make a note of the manual code - you'll need this if you lose or forget your pass
  • Remember to carry your bus pass with you to school every day
  • Every time you get on your bus (on the way to school and on the way back home), the driver will scan the QR code on your pass
  • This allows us to know exactly who is on the bus, in case of an emergency or outbreak of coronavirus

I've forgotten my bus pass

  • Don't worry - if you do not have your bus pass with you, you can give the driver your code
  • If you cannot remember your code, the driver will allow you to travel to school, but you must go straight to the school office to confirm which bus you travelled on, and get your code for you to use on your journey home
  • Please remember your bus pass the next day

Watch this short video to find out how to use the new school bus pass:

School Bus passes - questions and answers

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