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Free school meals

Dedicated Covid-19 Helpline for Powys residents and businesses.
Telephone number 01597 826345  Open 9am - 1pm
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If you are on a low income, we can help you with the cost of school meals for any pupil in full time education.

If you register for free school meals, even if your child decides not to have a school lunch, you can:

  • Save up to £400 a year for each primary school child
  • Help your school and other schools in Powys to benefit from funding because you have registered
  • Registering for Free School Meals might also qualify you for other help and assistance.

To register is easy and confidential. You don't have to tell the school.

If your child decides to have the school meal on any day they just have the meal provided. Powys schools have systems which mean it is impossible for other pupils to know who is receiving free school meals.

Who can get free meals?

To get free meals in Powys schools, the parents/carers must get one of the following:

  1. Income Support
  2. Job Seekers Allowance (Income Based)
  3. If you are an Asylum Seeker getting support under the Immigration and Asylum Act.
  4. State Pension Guaranteed Credit
  5. Employment and Support Allowance - Income based
  6. Child Tax Credit - as long as you are not getting an amount for childcare paid with your CTC, or getting Working Tax Credit. HM Revenue & Customs must also have worked out your household income as £16,190 a year or less.
  7. Universal Credit - as long as your annual net earnings are £7400 or less

You can also get free school meals if you are entitled to a Working Tax Credit 'run-on' payment for four weeks after stopping work or reducing working hours to under 16 hours a week. You will need to provide us proof that it is a run on payment along with proof of all your income to ensure you qualify.

How to register

  1. If you already get Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction, you don't need to fill in a form. Just contact us and we will do the rest.
  2. If you're going to apply for Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction, we can sort out free school meals at the same time.
  3. You can also just register for free school meals by completing the simple form below online and clicking submit

If you are trying to complete a form for clothing grant for the school year 2023/24 because we have sent you a letter. DO NOT USE THIS FORM.
As advised on the clothing grant webpage, the form will be ready soon and you should apply for the grant there. 

Complete the Free school meals form online


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