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Notice: Welsh Language Standards Annual Report

Fair Campaign Pledge

Image of County Hall

8 April 2022

Image of County Hall
Joint statement from Group Leaders at Powys County Council.

Unfortunately, we are seeing an increasing number of councillors and candidates being subjected to abuse, threats and intimidation.  

As well as being totally unacceptable, this behaviour undermines the principles of free speech, democratic engagement and debate.  

We endeavour to treat everyone with courtesy, kindness and respect and, as Leaders of our respective political groups, we stand together to call for an end to abuse, intimidation and harassment of any kind.  

This is particularly relevant as we enter the key period in the run up to the local government elections in May.  

We pledge to participate in a fair election campaign which is based on positive campaigning and merit, rather than personal attack and smears against individuals.  

We encourage all elected members and candidates in the forthcoming election to do the same. In addition, we will publicly 'call out' any such inappropriate behaviour and take a zero-tolerance approach to abuse. 

We all have the right to carry out our civic duties without fear of being attacked or abused. Any inappropriate behaviour, whether that be verbal, physical or in writing on social media, is totally unacceptable and action will be taken if deemed necessary. 

Please be kind and fair in all that you say and do.