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Unpaid carers in Powys can apply for £500 support payment

An unpaid carer supporting her mother

27 May 2022

An unpaid carer supporting her mother
Applications are now open for the Unpaid Carers Financial Support Grant, with the county council urging all who might be eligible in Powys to get in touch.

The £500 payments, funded by Welsh Government, are being made in recognition of the increased financial pressures many unpaid carers have experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic, and to help with some of the additional costs they have incurred.

Those applying to the county council must live in Powys. They must also:

  • Care for someone for at least 35 hours a week and have a low income
  • Be in receipt of Carer's Allowance on 31 March 2022 or have been retrospectively awarded Carer's Allowance for that date.

Unpaid carers can apply online via Powys County Council's website: Unpaid Carers Financial Support Payment

If an unpaid carer needs help to apply, or any further information, they can call the council on 01597 826345 or email:

Dylan Owen, Powys County Council's Head of Commissioning and Partnerships (Social Services) said: "We will be writing to many people directly and inviting them to apply, but if you are an unpaid carer, in receipt of Carer's Allowance, and we don't get in touch then we still want to hear from you!

"We believe as many as 1,400 Powys residents could be eligible to receive £500 which could make a real difference if they are struggling to keep their heads above water financially. Our unpaid carers do a sterling job of supporting some of the county's most vulnerable residents and we would like to do our bit in return to help support them."

The scheme will close to new applications at 5pm on Friday 15 July 2022. Payments for successful claims will be made from June through to the end of September 2022.

Unpaid carers who need more general advice on grants and benefits can also contact Powys County Council on 01597 826345.