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Litter Free Zone in Buttington

Image of litter pickers in Buttington Litter Free Zone

14 June 2022

Image of litter pickers in Buttington Litter Free Zone
Councillors, staff, Keep Wales Tidy volunteers and local businesses have joined forces to create Litter Free Zones in Buttington.

As part of the Caru Cymru initiative to eradicate litter, the Litter Free Zones scheme encourages businesses to adopt areas within their communities to keep litter free.

McDonald's in Buttington north Powys are one of the first businesses in the county to sign up to the new Keep Wales Tidy scheme. As a responsible business they not only keep their carpark and outside space clean but have also now adopted the area immediately around their premises, including the Canal and Rivers Trust picnic area near the old Lime Kilns on Buttington Wharf. 

"Litter picking can quickly transform an area, from one that looks neglected into somewhere that people can feel proud of." Says Cllr Jackie Charlton, Cabinet Member for a Greener Powys.

"Encouraging businesses and their employees to help keep their local areas clean, tidy and free from litter is all part of the larger Wales-wide Caru Cymru initiative which aims to inspire everyone to take action and care for the environment.

"By working together to create a clean and safe environment, we can build stronger, healthier communities and make a positive difference to our planet.

"We would like to encourage more Powys based businesses to get involved and adopt a Litter Free Zone. Not only will it show customers they are a responsible business that takes the issue of littering seriously, but allowing staff to be involved with community projects is also proven to help boost productivity, staff moral and retention.

"We are grateful for the support from our Keep Wales Tidy volunteers, who will be able to provide participating businesses with resources and help to publicise their Litter Free Zone status."

For more information on Litter Free Zones and how you can get involved, please visit:

Photo: Rachel Palmer from Keep Wales Tidy, James Thompson from Powys County Council, Sarah, Alex and Kieran from McDonald's and Cllr Amanda Jenner