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Notice: Household Flood Claim Form - Storm Bert & Storm Darragh: Were you affected???

Powys' Play Sufficiency Assessment Executive Summary 2022

How did we do it?

Covid-19 restrictions meant that much of the work could not be undertaken face to face and was conducted by phone and online.  Semi-structured online meetings and discussions were held with lead professionals associated with policy areas identified in play sufficiency guidance; stakeholders and partners were invited to online meetings to discuss the assessment and emailed to request updates on their work in relation to relevant criteria.  

An online and paper play survey was circulated to children, young people, parents, play work, youth work, leisure/recreation and childcare settings, professionals and Town and Community Councils.  Feedback, using the survey, was obtained from children and young people at play events.

Engagement, both online and where possible face to face took place with parents/carers, professionals and marginalised groups.  Engagement with schools took place both online and through the Powys County Council Wellbeing and Equalities Lead Officer. 

Information was gathered from existing sources including Children's Commissioning, Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, Education, Planning, Family Information Service, Leisure and Recreation departments.  Population data was mainly obtained from the Powys Wellbeing Information Bank.


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