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Powys' Play Sufficiency Assessment Executive Summary 2022

Insights from the Coronavirus

Covid-19 had a severe impact on all areas of the Council's work, particularly on staff, service providers and those who require support from Social Services, requiring the redeployment of staff from other services under the Business Continuity Plan, which was triggered in March 2021. 

Services operated under the business-critical mandate until early May 2022, when areas apart from social services, public protection and HR, returned to near business as usual as Wales reduced its alert level status.  However, the continuity plan was re-introduced late August, when the County saw a sharp increase in Covid-19 cases particularly among young people as a new virus wave affected the country, and was only stepped back again in October 2021.  This, combined with the restrictions imposed by Covid regulations, inevitably limited the ability of some services to progress elements of the Action Plan, although many of the actions have been completed. 

A survey carried out in schools across the county found that while at home during lockdown 94% of pupils were engaged in activities such as walking, arts, yoga, dance, sports, Joe Wickes fitness and wellbeing activities that they accessed individually or with their families.  However, a comprehensive report on Community Wellbeing in Powys post Pandemic found that there was an overwhelming view of negative impacts experienced by children and young adults because of the pandemic. This included the impact on physical and mental health, on education and on Welsh language skills.

Covid was a huge stumbling block for all services, although new initiatives and ways of working did come out of it.   Even though services were paused and there were a number of restrictions in place it has been evident that play has still been able to happen during the Covid-19 pandemic. Some delivery was enabled through online platforms and social media; however, some young people and families have fed back that they miss face to face delivery and would prefer this option, as much of day to day life was only available online.



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