Money, Benefits and Debt Advice

Money advice service: Powys County Council offers free and confidential money advice and support either by phone or personal appointment. Please visit our webpage or telephone: 01597 826618 or email
Advicelink Cymru: Advicelink Cymru offers free and confidential advice on a range of subjects such as welfare benefits, debt, employment, education, housing and discrimination.
Age Cymru debt advice: Debt advice from Age Cymru, a national charity for older people in Wales.
Benefits and awards: There are many different types of benefits and awards which can offer financial help to support with day to day living expenses and one-off costs.
Financial Support Officers: Free financial support for Powys County Council housing tenants on maximising income, cutting expenditure, applying for benefit, managing debt and more. Telephone: 01597 827464 or email:
Help with the cost of living: Get support and advice to help you with the increased cost of living
MoneyHelper: Provides free and impartial money and pensions guidance for people all across the UK.
National Debtline: Free and independent debt advice over the phone and online. Telephone: 0808 808 4000
Older People's Commissioner for Wales: Helpful information to answer some key questions about the financial assistance that may be available to older people to help them through this difficult time.
Powys Citizens Advice: Offers confidential advice online, over the phone, and in person, for free. Telephone: 0345 6018421
Salvation Army budget and debt advice: Debt advisors and volunteers work with people to develop debt repayment plans, negotiate with creditors and provide money education to change habits and minimise the chance of debt recurring in the future. Telephone: 01923 801169
Shelter Cymru: Shelter Cymru provides free, independent, confidential, specialist debt advice across Wales.
Stepchange Debt Charity: Free, flexible debt advice, helping people deal with debt in a manageable way. Telephone: 0800 138 1111
Stop Loan Sharks Wales:Illegal money lending is a criminal offence, and loan sharks often target vulnerable people. If you or someone you know are involved with illegal money lending, coming forward is the right thing to do.
Struggling to pay rent or move to a new rented home?: Powys residents who are struggling to pay their rent or move to a new rented home could be eligible to claim help through the county council.
The Money Charity: Provide education, information, advice and guidance to people of all ages, helping them to manage their money well and increase their financial wellbeing.
CAUTION: Reports of scam emails, text messages and phone calls are increasing, with fake communications often claiming to be about energy rebates, tax refunds or other financial benefits. If you have any doubts about a message, contact the organisation directly. Don't use the numbers or address in the messages - use the details from their official website. For more advice about how to keep safe online visit: and report fraud attempts at
These pages include details of a small selection of the many websites, charities, and organisations that are available to offer help, advice and support. Please make sure that you only follow advice from credible and trusted sources. Powys County Council is not responsible for the content of external websites.