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Notice: Welsh Language Standards Annual Report

Renting Home (Wales) Act 2016 - Questions and Answers

What should I do next?

We want this transition to be as smooth as possible for everyone. As a tenant it is important you know what the changes mean for you.

  • Check the name/s on your letter to ensure they are correct for your new Occupation Contract. If they are wrong, please contact us on 01597 827464 or email
  • Your tenancy agreement will change to an Occupation Contract on 1st December 2022.
  • Powys County Council have six months from 1st December 2022, to send you your new Occupation Contract.
  • Your Occupation Contract will be posted to you.
  • Once you have received your Occupation Contract you will need to read it and familiarise yourself with your rights and responsibilities.
  • All Contract Holders must complete and sign the "Contract Received" form, which will be enclosed with your Contract.
  • Your signed form must be returned to Powys County Council in the pre-paid envelope provided within 14 days of receiving your Contract.
  • New tenants after the 1st of December 2022, will sign the new contract in the usual way and will receive a copy within 14 days.