Support with Mental Health

Mental ill health can affect anybody at any time. It's important that we recognise when we are struggling with our mental health as there is help and support available to you.
When somebody's thinking, feelings or behaviour change significantly, especially where these changes have a damaging effect on their daily lives or cause distress to themselves or to other people, this could be the time to consider additional help and support.
It very often helps to talk to someone about how you are feeling.
You can also access primary mental health care, via your GP surgery which is a talking service. If you have significant mental health issues your GP can refer you to your community mental health team for an in-depth mental health assessment, so we can work out how to help you best.
What is really important is that you do seek help and that you are able to talk through any feelings and thoughts you may have.
If you do need to talk to somebody, we are here to help and our aim is to support you living your life and being happy and healthy.