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Open call for Mid Wales Shared Prosperity Fund applicants

Image of housing, a lecture and manufacturing

09 March 2023

Image of housing, a lecture and manufacturing
Powys County Council and Ceredigion County Council are pleased to announce that organisations in the region can soon submit their applications for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) in Mid Wales.

From 20 March, projects operating in the local authority areas of Powys and Ceredigion can present their outline applications for funding in a series of two open funding calls.

Interested parties considering the fund can attend a webinar on 16 March at 10am to find out more and what steps are needed to apply for it.

In December 2022, the Mid Wales region's application for the UKSPF was approved, enabling access to the £42.4 million which has been allocated to invest in the region between now and March 2025.

Councillor David Selby, Powys County Council's Cabinet Member for a More Prosperous Powys said: "The funding will aid important community and county wide initiatives as part of the Council's Stronger, Fairer, Greener Corporate Plan.

"Since we had the confirmation last year, both local authorities have been working hard to put all the arrangements in place to enable organisations to bring their ideas forward which require funding. The time has come now to open up the call for applicants and we look forward to receiving and considering applications for projects that will help develop and deliver across investment priorities."

The UKSPF will support the Levelling Up objectives, that seek to:

  • Boost productivity, pay, jobs and living standards by growing the private sector, especially in those places where they are lagging
  • Spread opportunities and improve public services, especially in those places where they are weakest
  • Restore a sense of community, local pride and belonging, especially in those places where they have been lost
  • Empower local leaders and communities, especially in those places lacking local agency
  • Through the Multiply Programme, increase levels of functional numeracy in the adult population

Please note that the Local Authority areas of Powys and Ceredigion are in receipt of individual allocations for the UK SPF. If you intend submitting a regional bid, please contact both authorities to discuss further.

To apply for the fund and for more information on the funding calls, including the important details organisations should think about before applying, go to the Mid Wales Shared Prosperity Fund page on the Growing Mid Wales website,