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Corporate Plan Updates

Our Performance

The approach to monitoring and managing our performance is presented in our Performance Document (PDF, 532 KB), which also explains how we track our progress. It was previously called the 'Performance Management and Quality Assurance Framework'.

Stronger, Fairer, Greener: Our Corporate and Strategic Equality Plan (2023 to 2027) details what we aim to do and how we will know if we are 'on track'.  We have committed to objectives, actions, and measures that will help us to achieve our plan, and we use the Corporate and Strategic Equality Plan Scorecard below to report our progress. 

The scorecard is published every six months, in September and February, and a Self-Assessment of the Council is published annually.

Using the Scorecard

  • Please use the navigation menu on the left side of the scorecard. 
  • We report against three objectives, and the scorecard is defaulted to show objective 1 with the most recent performance information.
  • Please use the 'Objective 2' or 'Objective 3' button to see the information about the other objectives. 
  • You can choose to filter the year, quarter, or lead service by changing the options in the left menu. 
  • The 'clear selection' button will reset the whole scorecard to show the default view.

If you would like this publication in an alternative format or larger font, please contact us:


Phone: 01597 826000

By post: Chief Executive and Member Support, Powys County Council, County Hall, Llandrindod Wells, Powys, LD1 5LG

Our Corporate and Strategic Equality Plan 2023-2027 Scorecard

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