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Machynlleth Street Trees


Map showing the area where the trees will be planted.
Following the public consultation in September last year and ongoing engagement with stakeholders, a number of concerns had been raised relating to minimising disruption to local businesses and shoppers during the works.

Together with the contractors, we are trying hard to keep disruption to a minimum, however given the nature and location of this work it is inevitable that some inconvenience will occur from time to time.

Where businesses are directly affected, such as the market traders, discussions will be taking place in advance of the works as they progress down the street.

The wide pavements will allow access to be retained to all shops albeit restricted in width at times.

We would like to thank the residents and visitors to Machynlleth for their patience while this work takes place and once complete will bring important biodiversity and ecological benefits to the town centre. 


April - June: The Contractors have started the work to install tree pits. They will be working around the market stalls ensuring there is little inconvenience to the public and business traders. Residents and local traders will be kept up to date with the ongoing construction and any queries can be answered by using the contact details listed. 

July - September:  The majority of the tree pits should be installed and ready for their new trees. We will be contacting locals regarding a scheme called 'Guardianship' where residents can make sure the trees are being kept healthy. Please contact us if you wish to partake.

October-November:  The contractors will start to plant the semi mature trees into the pits. At this time, they will need to be well maintained to ensure healthy growth.

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