Warm Wales Powys Energy Saving Scheme Background

In Powys, we have continued our partnership arrangement with Warm Wales, a Community Interest Company, who specialise in managing fuel poverty and the delivery of energy efficiency saving projects.
The 'Warm Wales Powys Energy Saving Scheme' was launched November 2022, and includes the opportunity of support to households who are not in receipt of means-tested benefits and considers households that may be living in fuel poverty or on low income and vulnerable to the effects of living in a cold home.
Showing the success of the delivery of this programme, a small cluster of houses in the heart of the county shows a 'whole-house' approach to energy saving by installing the latest technology, with low carbon heat systems such as air source heat pumps (ASHP) and an energy generation system through solar photovoltaics (PV) linked to energy storage batteries. There literally has been an 'energy buzz' on the estate with several homes having installations so far.
The grant aid towards the installations has supported residents to improve their quality of living standards, particularly as some residents require their home to be at a constant temperature by keeping it warm all year around.
There are natural concerns from homeowners regarding the disruption in the home, but these residents have experienced a positive change and are looking forward to seeing the difference in the colder periods of Autumn and Winter months when energy usage increases.
Read testimonials from Powys residents who have benefitted from ECO funding