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Notice: Welsh Language Standards Annual Report

Home Safety

Home safety

Look at what home proofing tips there are you could make around the home.

Over half of falls occur in the home. Potential hazards in the home are easily overlooked.

  • Poor lighting, colours, contrast, and patterns
  • Things which are hard to see or hard to reach.
  • Loose rugs or trailing cables and clutter
  • Slippery floors, damp, steep gradients, and steps
  • Grab rails in bathrooms and handrails on stairs.
  • Inaccessible bathrooms, toilets, and stairs
  • Cold homes, poor thermal efficiency, and draught
  • Do not forget gardens, paths, and drives.

If you're struggling coping at home, that doesn't mean that the only solution is to move. There are many cheap and simple home adaptations that can be made which can keep you safe and independent where you live.

Adapting behaviours can be just as import as adapting your home - making changes to where things are located and reducing clutter can have a big impact on home safety.

Watch this Age UK video for practical tips to avoids falls in later life.

Who can help you keep your home safe for you?

  • Care and Repair - can provide simple home improvements and recommend contractors.
  • Community Physiotherapy- Physiotherapists help people affected by injury, illness or disability through exercise, education, and advice.  
  • Occupational Therapy - Occupational Therapy (OT) provides practical support to people with physical and mental illness, disability, long term condition, or those experiencing the effects of ageing, to do the things they need or want to do. In Powys we have Community Occupational Therapy teams based at local hospitals and Occupational Therapists based in Social Care.  
  • Council Housing Teams - If you live in a council property and need help with adapting your home. You can ask your housing officer for smaller adaptations; however larger adaptations can be accessed via the ASSIST team. This can be supported by our Occupational Therapy team.
  • Your Housing Association - If you live in a Housing Association property and need help with adapting your home. You can ask your housing officer for smaller adaptations; however larger adaptations can be accessed via the ASSIST team. This can be supported by our Occupational Therapy team.
  • Owner Occupied Households/ Privately Rented- If you know what smaller adaptations you need these can be accessed through Care & Repair. For larger adaptations there may be a financial assessment under the Disabled Facilities Grant.
  • Home help and carers - provides help to enable people to live well and stay independent.
  • RNIB, Action on Hearing Loss, Powys Sensory Team services can support people with sensory loss.

Out and About Hints and Tips

Be aware of falls risks outside the home:

  • Uneven paving and potholes
  • High curbs and drain covers.
  • Badly lit areas
  • Slippery footpaths and poor drainage
  • Poorly designed (or absent!) road crossings
  • Lack of toilet facilities
  • Street furniture

Report falls risks on footpaths and pavements to our highways team- Report a problem with a road or pavement