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Notice: Household Flood Claim Form - Storm Bert & Storm Darragh: Were you affected???

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the planning system do?

The planning system manages the development and use of land in the public interest, prioritising long term collective benefits, contributing to improving the economic, social, environmental, and cultural wellbeing of Wales.

It must reconcile the needs of development and conservation, securing economy, efficiency and amenity in the use of land, ensuring the sustainable management of natural resources and protecting, promoting, conserving and enhancing the built and historic environment.  

How do I contact my planning office?


Telephone: 01597 826000

Address: Planning Services, Powys County Hall, Spa Road East, Llandrindod Wells, Powys, LD1 5LG

Do I need planning permission:

Please see planning permission common projects for information on whether planning permission is required for a number of common projects.

Should you wish to receive formal confirmation from the local authority whether your proposal requires planning permission, then you can submit a Lawful Development Certificate for a Proposed Use or Development.

How do I secure pre-application advice?

Pre-application advice can help improve the quality of planning applications. Details of the pre-application service offer can be found at Pre planning application advice

Should I talk to my neighbours prior to submitting a planning application?

Where appropriate, we encourage people to talk to their neighbours about proposed developments as early as possible in the process. Talking to your neighbours can avoid issues arising in the future.

What are the main stages in the planning application process?

1. Submission of a planning application

2. Notification and consultation with community and statutory consultees

  • Normally a 21-day process.

3. Determination of application

  • Planning applications are determined in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise.

4. Decision

  • Planning officers usually decide smaller developments under delegated decision-taking powers.
  • Larger and more controversial developments are sometimes decided by planning committee.

5. Option to appeal decision

  • Applicant has a right to appeal to Welsh Ministers, if the local planning authority refuses to give planning permission, grants it subject to unacceptable conditions or fails to deal with an application within the statutory time limit.

Will the Case Officer visit the planning application site and surrounding area?

An officer of the council will visit the application site and typically take notes and/or pictures. The Case Officer will normally erect a site notice at or close to the application site providing the community with details of the planning application.

How do I comment on a planning application?

Comments can be made online, just search for the relevant application in Public Access, and then click on the 'Make a comment' tab.

Comments submitted through this way will be automatically acknowledged and you can monitor updates on the application through our Public Access system.

How long do I have to comment on planning applications?

The statutory time given to neighbours to comment on an application is 21 days (commencement date is normally specified on a site notice). It's very important to meet any deadline, or your comments may not be considered.

Will my comments be acknowledged?

Comments are acknowledged by the Planning Service. Please note that due to the volume of comments received, it won't be possible to respond individual comments and questions concerning an application. Comments will however be taken into consideration by the allocated Case Officer and addressed within the case officer reports that will be published on the council's website once an application is determined.

Will I be notified about an application decision?

You can monitor the progress of an application via our website. Please use the 'track' icon which can be found when you are viewing an application, which will then allow you to receive notifications on the application.

I'm having problems viewing an application - can you help?

If you're experiencing problems viewing the application files, or require any further assistance, please contact the Planning office using the contact details above.


In some instances, there may be a covenant on the land or building which restricts its future use. This is a separate legal regime to planning. The existence of any planning permission does not remove this legal issue, and in some cases a planning permission may not be capable of being implemented without the removal of the covenant.

How can I find out more about the planning history of a site?

You can search the history of a site by using the 'Search, view and comment on planning applications' function of the Planning website. This search function is however limited to more recent planning applications.

How can I access information on planning?

The following links provide information on a number of key planning topics:


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