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Notice: Welsh Language Standards Annual Report

I am in Foster Care

If you are already looked after by us, or about to move into foster care, we understand that you may be worried and a bit scared but we hope that this page can answer some of your questions or point you in the right direction for help and advice. These questions have been asked by other children and young people who are in foster care.

Where will I live?

We will try to find you a home with local foster carers so that you can keep in touch with family and friends and continue with any activities and hobbies you enjoy. Read more....

Will I have a social worker?

All looked after children have a Social Worker whose job is to make sure that their needs are met. Read more....

Can I see my family and friends?

You can talk to your social worker about the best way to keep in touch with family and friends. Read more....

Will I have to change school?

We try hard to find you a foster carer who lives fairly close so that you don't have to change schools. Read more....