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Notice: We will be carrying out maintenance on the Powys County Council website on Wednesday, 12 March

Where will I live?

We will try to find you a home with local foster carers so that you can keep in touch with family and friends and continue with any activities and hobbies you enjoy. Wherever possible we will try to place you with your brothers and sisters, if you have any.

Who will I be living with?

Children with a dog

You will be living with Foster Carers - people who are specially chosen to provide a loving and welcoming home to children and young people who cannot live at home with their birth families for whatever reason. All sorts of people become Foster Carers; single people, couples, people with young children, others with no children and some whose children are grown up now and have their own families. Sometimes there may be other fostered children living in the house too.

How long will I be living there?

It's hard to say exactly how long you will be looked after by Foster Carers as every child is different. Sometimes children stay in foster care for a short time while things at home get sorted. Some children stay for longer - you should talk to your social worker about how it will be for you.

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