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Notice: Welsh Language Standards Annual Report

Key principles

Key Principles

This work is guided by the following principles:

  • Outcomes and transformation, not just modifying services
  • Engagement: engaging early with people in agreeing, designing and delivering outcomes
  • Addressing the fundamental question: why do we do what we do?
  • Having a strategic whole county view, not just the Council
  • Innovation: being open minded and seeking innovative solutions, using all the expertise available
  • Using evidence - if we aren't getting results, we should change
  • A continual process to meet existing and long-term needs sustainably
  • Delivering outcomes at lower or no cost
  • Embracing digital technology to help us connect better with you and provide accessible, easy to use online and assisted services that put your needs first. 
  • We will help promote the creation of strong communities, that support each other locally.