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Notice: Full details of the new Household Recycling Centre booking system and charges for DIY waste are available on the council website.

Sustainable Powys

Delivering valued local government services is at the heart of all we do. However, the council of the past is not financially sustainable. We are facing a critical situation because of national and international issues outside of our control, so we must fundamentally change the way we deliver services.

We recognise these challenges, and we must work in partnership to explore the opportunities to make the changes needed to deliver quality public services for the future.

We are developing an approach to change the way we work, this is called Sustainable Powys.

Sustainable Powys is reviewing what services we provide and how they are delivered to meet current and future needs.

Sustainable Powys is about working together to:

  • Design a future for our local authority that delivers stronger, fairer and greener services whilst remaining within the available budget.
  • Build resilience so community-led solutions can help meet what is needed locally.

If we kept our services exactly as they are now, without making any changes, by 2029 they will cost at least £51m more than they do today. Your council tax would need to go up by nearly 60% to come these increased costs.

This cannot happen! So, we must make changes to the way we deliver services.


Sustainable Powys info

Information about the financial challenge How we get there? What does Sustainable Powys look like? Sustainable Powys in action How can you get involved?

Information about the financial challenge

Powys County Council is currently forecasting a funding shortfall, based on national fiscal analysis, of more than £9.6 million for the next financial year with that figure rising to £50.9 million or more over the next four years.

Read more information (Go to Information about the financial challenge)

How we get there?

We want to work with you to learn more about what matters most to you and your family, what is important to you now and in the future.

Read more information (Go to How we get there? )

What does Sustainable Powys look like?

What does this mean for people in Powys?

Read more information (Go to What does Sustainable Powys look like?)

Sustainable Powys in action

Read more information (Go to Sustainable Powys in action)

How can you get involved?

Engagement is an important part of Sustainable Powys so your voice will actively contribute to what we do - whether you are a Powys resident, member of staff, councillor, or other stakeholder.

Read more information (Go to How can you get involved?)
Information about the financial challenge Information about the financial challenge

Information about the financial challenge

Powys County Council is currently forecasting a funding shortfall, based on national fiscal analysis, of more than £9.6 million for the next financial year with that figure rising to £50.9 million or more over the next four years.

Read more information (Go to Information about the financial challenge)
How we get there? How we get there?

How we get there?

We want to work with you to learn more about what matters most to you and your family, what is important to you now and in the future.

Read more information (Go to How we get there? )
What does Sustainable Powys look like? What does Sustainable Powys look like?

What does Sustainable Powys look like?

What does this mean for people in Powys?

Read more information (Go to What does Sustainable Powys look like?)
Sustainable Powys in action Sustainable Powys in action

Sustainable Powys in action

Read more information (Go to Sustainable Powys in action)
How can you get involved? How can you get involved?

How can you get involved?

Engagement is an important part of Sustainable Powys so your voice will actively contribute to what we do - whether you are a Powys resident, member of staff, councillor, or other stakeholder.

Read more information (Go to How can you get involved?)

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