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Notice: Welsh Language Standards Annual Report

Staff Questions

What does this look like

Staff questions

1)   How is this approach different from what we've done before?

The previous 'salami' slicing of budget cuts is not sustainable in the long-term. We're pressing 'reset' and looking at everything with a fresh perspective so we can shape a council that is sustainable in the long-term.

This is an opportunity to re-look at what we have always done and ask does it need to be done, is it efficient and fit for purpose, could it be done differently (for example digitally), and can we work across the organisation and with others in new ways.

In doing this you will be fully enabled, have full permission and have the required support to take new approaches, break down silos, challenge the norm and make the change we need to deliver quality local services for the people of Powys.

Post-pandemic, we are also in a different place in terms of our communities and as an organisation. We are building on the good work that's already been done to transform and change.

2)   Why can't the current approach work?

The status quo isn't possible as funding reduces. Even with a 5% Council Tax increase year on year, the funding gap continues to widen. We are taking a longer-term and sustainable approach to provide good quality and sustainable employment and surety of mind.

3)   What's happening in my service area?

As well as updates and news we'll share about this approach corporately, your Heads of Service and Senior Managers will be talking with you about embedding the Sustainable Powys approach into their areas and working together with you, looking at ideas, changes etc.

4)   Isn't this a savings/efficiency issue for managers to fix?

Every member of staff can play their part and Sustainable Powys will only succeed if everyone gets involved. Management teams are looking at this strategically across their areas, but every member of staff can play an important part in identifying change and areas for improvement. Every pound counts.

You are part of our mission to deliver positive change for the people of Powys.  We've proven we can change in the past, it's about accelerating this. We want to do this together - it's about everyone getting involved and being the change.

5)   How will Sustainable Powys impact me and my job?

We are facing a significant financial challenge and there will inevitably be some impact on staffing budgets, jobs, and the work that you may do. However, we are reassuring all staff that any job losses would be very much the last resort and we will do all we can to avoid this.

Recognising the number of jobs we recruit to each year; we are confident we will have good opportunities for everyone who wishes to work for Powys and help to transform the Council.

We will work with you to build a future workforce that is truly flexible and can work together effectively and efficiently to deliver services that will be sustainable into the future.  Where job roles change, we will ensure you get the training and support that you need to be able to do that role successfully and that you can work flexibly where this supports delivery.

6)   How will staff be supported through any change?

We recognise that when there are periods of change, it can be unsettling. All of us react to change in different ways - some people will be excited, others concerned, worried or possibly upset. There's no right or wrong reaction, and that's why we will support staff through any change process. Importantly we will place employees at the centre of change so you can help shape how services are delivered.

In developing a Sustainable Powys, we will ensure that managers understand how change can impact on people differently so that they can best support team members. If you have any concerns or worries at any time, please speak to your line manager or your HR Business Partner at the earliest opportunity.

Our managers will help you understand and embed the Sustainable Powys approach, as part of which, we encourage you to help shape what the future could look like in your part of the organisation. Please bring your ideas to the meetings and/or discussions and be part of the change. Ultimately, the future will be about moving forward together to a healthy positive sustainable position, which delivers great outcomes to the people of Powys as soon as possible.

7)   Which department/director is responsible for Sustainable Powys?

Sustainable Powys is led by Corporate Leadership Team. This consists of the Chief Executive, Directors, the Section 151 Officer (Head of Finance), and Head of Legal & Monitoring Officer. It is owned by Cabinet.

8)    How does the Sustainable Powys work impact on the climate change and nature emergency priorities?

We recognise that the Council has focussed strategies and plans that are directing work that will influence Sustainable Powys and these will need to be considered as part of this approach. The Climate Change Strategy and Nature Recovery Plan form part of this.

In planning for Sustainable Powys, we will need to ensure for example, that we consider in our plans how we reduce carbon emissions to net zero by 2030 and protect the natural environment.