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Registers of applications and deposits for rights of way and village greens

The Council must keep registers of certain types of application and legal deposit affecting public rights of way and registration of village greens.

These are updated from time to time, as cases are taken forward or a new application or deposit is made. The Registers must be made available for the public to view. For more information about how to make applications or deposits, please contact us.

Register of applications to modify the Definitive Map and Statement: s53B Register - Schedule 14 DMMO applications (ZIP, 24 KB)

These applications can be made if there is evidence that a path is incorrectly recorded, or that use of a path by the public may have resulted in a new right of way coming into being. This is not the same as a path diversion, when a choice can be made to change the route of the path or create a new one.

Register of landowner deposits affecting public rights of way and village greens: Section 31(6) & CA2006 s15 deposits - Web (ZIP, 37 KB) 

Landowners can make a legal statement, which is lodged with the Council, to protect themselves from new public paths or village greens coming into being, when there has been use by members of the public. These statements are effective over a certain period of time and then have to be renewed.

Notices about current applications can be found at  Public Rights of Way - Legal Notices for public rights of way and Commons registration - Legal Notices for common land and village greens.

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