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Deprivation of Liberty - Up to age 15 for Children

Course Provider

DCC Interactive Ltd


  • This course is for practitioners to develop knowledge and understanding of the application process for approval of deprivation of liberty DOL for children aged up to 15 years. 
  • For those working with young people to aid a full understanding of the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty to apply in their day-to-day practice. Its aim to give an insight into what requires authorisation via the High Court.

Key Learning Outcomes

  • You will understand how Deprivation of Liberty is relevant for children applying what is currently known about restrictions, restraint and Deprivation of Liberty. 
  • Use and apply relevant and current case law.
  • Understand that difference between the process is for up to age 15 and over 16/17 and how the Mental Capacity Act interfaces.Including the relevance to Gillick competence, case law. 

Dates and Times

  • 17 June 2025, 09.00-16.30

There is no charge to attend these courses, however a cancellation charge may apply to non-attendance if sufficient notice is not given


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