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Notice: We will be carrying out maintenance on the Powys County Council website on Wednesday, 12 March

Commercial Specialist Level 2 vacancies

Commercial Services image 3

Commercial Specialist Level 2 (x 2 vacancies)

  • £38,223 - £40,221

We have two vacancies for Commercial Specialists to join our award-winning Commercial Services team at Powys County Council.

The postholders will lead on a range of procurement projects in key categories of spend such as ICT, social care, corporate etc. This includes leading on tender projects for a wide range of goods, works and services.

You could be working with a number of different services so it's important that you can build effective relationships at all levels and be a tenacious, high performing professional.

We're looking for applicants with relevant experience in procurement - either from the public or private sector - although a strong knowledge of public sector procurement regulations will be vital.

You'll have the opportunity to make a real difference in this role and joining a team to help support the organisation manage its contracted spend and strive for continued improvements.

Our benefits package

We recognise the importance of rewarding our employees for their hard work supporting our communities. We offer a great range of benefits, rewards and support to our employees to help them thrive in their career. For further details visit: Our Offer to You - Powys County Council.

Applications and further information

For full details and to apply online, please visit our main jobs' website.

For any enquiries, or to arrange an informal discussion, please contact

Applications may be submitted in English or Welsh. Applications in Welsh will not be treated any less favourably than those in English.


The closing date for applications is 14/5/24.

Interviews are scheduled to take place online week commencing 22 May 2024.

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