Commercial Services Vacancies
Thank you for your interest in our Commercial Services vacancies at Powys County Council.
Powys County Council is undergoing a period of significant change with a new Chief Executive and senior Corporate Leadership Team recently established, plus, a new structure is being implemented across the Council's wider senior management.
With reducing budgets and increasing demand, together with key strategic aims including, achieving Net Zero and securing increased Social Value, means unprecedented challenges for Powys County Council.
With an annual contractual spend of c£250million it is vital that the Council maximises value through its commercial arrangements and thus, our Commercial Services Team is a key enabler to support the organisation achieve its corporate aims.
About the Team
The Commercial Services Team provides a vital service to the organisation by seeking to positively influence commercial activity across its contracted spend. Given this key role, the Team has also undergone recent change with a new Professional Lead for Procurement and Commercial, and a recent restructure to enable the team to be more fit for purpose to help support the organisation achieve its strategic commercial aims.
The team has a focus across the full Commercial Lifecycle, including commercial and procurement strategy development, tender management, and contract management, and has already made a number of important improvements through the award of a number of key contracts, establishing a new strategic Contract Management improvement programme and implementing vital improvements to help drive increased Net Zero objectives through the Council's contract spend.
These improvements are not only being recognised within the Council but also nationally, and we were delighted to win the Sustainable Procurement Award at the national procurement Go-Awards in November 2023.
To help the team drive further improvement, and also help support the Council to implement the forthcoming key changes to UK and Welsh Procurement Regulations, we have 4 new exciting opportunities to join our award winning team.
Commercial Services info

Strategic Contract Management Officer
Read more information (Go to Strategic Contract Management Officer )
Commercial Specialist Level 2 vacancies
Read more information (Go to Commercial Specialist Level 2 vacancies)
Strategic Contract Management Officer
Read more information (Go to Strategic Contract Management Officer )