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Support for Adults with Autism

What sort of help is there?

Support for adults with autism can be accessed via the IAS Powys and comprises adult autism diagnostic assessment and post diagnostic support.  Our leaflet (PDF, 313 KB) explains the process further.

An adult autism diagnostic assessment has the following basic steps and is undertaken by the Integrated Autism Service in Powys :

  • Screening - can be completed by any professional an individual is working with such as a GP/other health professional or social worker or a self referral
  • Referral - there is a single Point of Receipt for all referrals to the Integrated Autism Service.
  • Allocation -  A team of qualified professionals from varying professions will consider the referral at a monthly meeting.  More information may be requested at this stage if the Referral Form not provided or completed fully.
  • Assessment - diagnostic appointments are completed by trained members of the IAS or community teams.
  • Identification of Support Needs -Part of the assessment will include clarifying your support needs.
  • Outcome Report - a report will be drafted and shared with you prior to this being circulated more widely (and with consent)

The IAS works in partnerships with lots of other organisations to develop services for adults with autism.



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