Reablement Support

The Reablement service provides the right level of support for you to retain the necessary skills and independence to be able to live in your own home or to determine ongoing care and support requirements.
The purpose is to provide short term support to individuals to retain or regain their independence, at times of change and transition, which promotes health, well-being, independence, dignity and social inclusion. The focus is also on reconnecting you with your community networks
The Reablement Team work alongside Powys Teaching Health Board Therapy teams which include Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists.
Here is some feedback from people who have accessed Reablement support:
'Reablement Service has helped very much with my progress and given me much confidence'.
'Staff are efficient, friendly, prompt. Would miss service if not available'
'I will remember for the rest of my life how good everyone has been and taken the time to talk to me. I was grateful for what you have done, and we had a laugh.'
What does reablement involve?
Once you've been referred, we'll contact you to make an appointment for someone from the team to visit you and do an assessment. The assessment can include family members if you wish, and will set out exactly what you want to achieve and how the team can help you.
We will usually work with you for between two and six weeks. Before we finish, we'll plan any further help you need and make sure it's set up.
You may need some equipment or adaptations to your home in order to live independently. For more information, please see our section on equipment and adaptations at home.
Will I have to pay?
There is no charge for reablement support. If you are eligible for ongoing care following your period of reablement, you will be assessed. There may be a charge for this care in line with the Council's Charging Policy. If you still need help at home after your reablement service.
Please see our section on Assessment of needs, eligibility & costs.
How do I get help?
Referrals are accepted from a wide range of sources, of which the following are likely to be most significant: ·
- Social Care· Primary Care Services·
- Virtual ward· Hospital services, both community and district general hospitals·
- Independent providers·
- Third sector· Family and friends· Self-Referral
If you prefer, you can ask for an assessment yourself using the button below:
Ask for an assessment
Make a Referral for Care Services