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Transition to adulthood


Transition to adulthood info

How Adult's Social Care Can Help Integrated Autism Service Acting on Someone's Behalf Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Children with Disabilities: Planning for Adulthood

How Adult's Social Care Can Help

Find out how Adult Social Care can help you right now?

Read more information (Go to How Adult's Social Care Can Help)

Integrated Autism Service

The Integrated Autism Service (IAS) provides support to individuals aged 18 and above. The Integrated Autism Service is jointly hosted between Health and Social Care with strong links to education.

Read more information (Go to Integrated Autism Service)

Acting on Someone's Behalf

If someone is unable to make decisions for themselves, they may need someone else to act on their behalf. The main way of doing this is through a Power of Attorney.

Read more information (Go to Acting on Someone's Behalf)

Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty

The Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) is a law about understanding and making decisions for others when they cannot make some decisions for themselves, this is called lacking capacity. This could become relevant when a child turns 16 and there is a condition or level of learning disability that means that they are unable or struggle to make some decisions for themselves that would be expected of other children their age without these difficulties.

Read more information (Go to Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty)

Children with Disabilities: Planning for Adulthood

Page in development - coming soon

Page in development (Go to Children with Disabilities: Planning for Adulthood)
How Adult's Social Care Can Help How Adult's Social Care Can Help

How Adult's Social Care Can Help

Find out how Adult Social Care can help you right now?

Read more information (Go to How Adult's Social Care Can Help)
Integrated Autism Service Integrated Autism Service

Integrated Autism Service

The Integrated Autism Service (IAS) provides support to individuals aged 18 and above. The Integrated Autism Service is jointly hosted between Health and Social Care with strong links to education.

Read more information (Go to Integrated Autism Service)
Acting on Someone's Behalf Acting on Someone's Behalf

Acting on Someone's Behalf

If someone is unable to make decisions for themselves, they may need someone else to act on their behalf. The main way of doing this is through a Power of Attorney.

Read more information (Go to Acting on Someone's Behalf)
Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty

Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty

The Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) is a law about understanding and making decisions for others when they cannot make some decisions for themselves, this is called lacking capacity. This could become relevant when a child turns 16 and there is a condition or level of learning disability that means that they are unable or struggle to make some decisions for themselves that would be expected of other children their age without these difficulties.

Read more information (Go to Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty)
Children with Disabilities: Planning for Adulthood Children with Disabilities: Planning for Adulthood

Children with Disabilities: Planning for Adulthood

Page in development - coming soon

Page in development (Go to Children with Disabilities: Planning for Adulthood)

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