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Notice: Full details of the new Household Recycling Centre booking system and charges for DIY waste are available on the council website.

Advice and Support

Find Support and Advice for my Family

Family life can be stressful and we all need help and advice at times. There are lots of ways we can support you and your family.

Contact ASSIST for support

Assist can provide both individuals and professionals with information, advice and assistance relating to Adult Social Care.

Get help with domestic abuse

Everyone has the right to live free from fear, intimidation and abuse, especially within their own home.


If you think you may benefit from a little extra support, check out the Dewis Cymru website to find organisations that can help.

Help with Supported Lodgings

Could you make a difference to a young person's life? Could you provide young people in Powys a stepping-stone to independence?

Help at Home

If you're starting to struggle with everyday tasks, you may need support to help you remain independent at home. This could be for things like washing and dressing, or general help around the home.

Help finding a Care Home

If you or someone you care for is thinking about making a care home your permanent place of residence, use the link below to search for a care home in Powys and read related advice.

Someone You Know Needs Help but Cannot See They Need It

It's quite common to notice that someone we know needs help. Often we see that they're not looking after themselves, or causing themselves or other people harm because they're not in control of what they're doing.

Acting on Someone's Behalf

If someone is unable to make decisions for themselves, they may need someone else to act on their behalf. The main way of doing this is through a Power of Attorney.

Support for Hearing Loss

If you are deaf or have a hearing issue that affects your day-to day life, there is help available. Powys Sensory Team can help adults of Powys with a hearing loss to live as independently as possible.

Shared Lives

Shared Lives is a service where people who need some support, live with or visit people who have decided to share their homes, community and family life. These are called Shared Lives Carers.

Find childcare, nurseries and playgroups

The Family Information Service provides free advice and information on a wide range of childcare options and activities for children and young people aged 0-25, their families and carers.

Family Information Service

Family life can be stressful and we all need help and advice at times. There are lots of ways we can support you and your family.

Support with Mental Health

Mental ill health can affect anybody at any time. It's important that we recognise when we are struggling with our mental health as there is help and support available to you.

Drugs and Alcohol Support

Our aim is to reduce alcohol and drug dependency across Powys, and to encourage people, with support, to lead healthier more fulfilled lives.

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