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Positive inspection for Corporate Safeguarding

Image of Audit Wales logo

14 November 2024

Image of Audit Wales logo
Powys County Council has taken decisive action to strengthen corporate safeguarding arrangements, an Audit Wales review of the service has concluded.

An audit of the county council's corporate safeguarding was carried out between July and November this year to assess progress on recommendations issued by Audit Wales in November 2022.

In its latest finds Audit Wales said, "Overall, we found that the Council has acted decisively and quickly in responding to the recommendations in our 2022 report and now has a good level of control over its corporate safeguarding arrangements. "We found that the Council has fully implemented seven of the eleven recommendations with plans in place to address the remaining four recommendations.

"An important aspect of the Council's approach has been the operation of the Corporate Safeguarding Board. The Board reports regularly to scrutiny, Governance and Audit Committee and Cabinet to provide oversight of the Council's actions."

Welcoming the findings Councillor Richard Church, Cabinet Member for a Safer Powys said, "This is excellent news for the county council and testament to the hard work and dedication of staff and elected members throughout the council.

"Corporate safeguarding is not the responsibility of one department in the council, everyone from councillors and senior officers to all frontline staff have a role to play to protect children and adults who may be at risk of harm.

"The report is excellent news, but we cannot be complacent, we have fully implemented seven of the 11 recommendations from the 2022 audit and work is well underway on the remainder, we have to complete the work and make sure our services continue to go from strength to strength."

The Audit Wales report can be found by visiting

The council's Governance and Audit Committee will be considering the follow-up review by Audit Wales on Wednesday, November 20.

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